Welcome To The City Of Deer Park!

Welcome To The City Of Deer Park!
Deer Park City Hall

Map of Deer Park

Friday, October 22, 2010


Rural Community Leaders and Assistance Providers, People who are interested in their community.


Imagine being able to decide today what 2030 will look like! Well, in fact you can. Each and every policy decision and choice you make, each day and/or at each board or Town Council meeting, shapes or at least influences the future.
Imagine being able to join other rural community leaders in addressing some of the most pressing community and economic development issues facing most rural communities across Washington State! Well, you can.

The “FUTURES GAME Pacific Northwest " was designed and developed to allow local leaders to tackle these challenges in a fun and engaging manner. The game takes a multi-faceted and integrated view of the future, allowing players to explore a range of plausible regional outcomes and assess their implications and consequences. This Futures Simulation approach adds extra depth and strength to local and regional planning efforts and helps hone leadership and decision making skills. Developed cooperatively by the Northwest Area Foundation, the University of Idaho Extension, and Innovative Leadership Australia, the FUTURES GAME is played in small teams, in which all participants jointly make a series of critical decisions that are likely to shape the future of their region (or town) over a 20-year period (out to 2030).
The Washington State University Extension Horizons project, in partnership with Deer Park In Progress
will present the
“Futures Game Pacific Northwest " Simulation.
Tuesday, Oct 26th, at City Hall-Court Room, 7:000 PM.
RSVP: 1-866-898-2768

Dusty Finafrock, Chairwoman
Deer Park In Progress Nonprofit Organization
PO Box 1045
Deer Park, WA 99006


Dusty Finafrock said...
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Dusty Finafrock said...

Deer Park in Progress would like to thank all who attended The Futures Game!