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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Presentation to Deer Park City Council

Deer Park In Progress Nonprofit recently founded by the Washington State Extension Horizons III Deer Park Community Project, introduced it's board of directors at the City of Deer Park City Council meeting Wednesday May 19. Chairwoman Dusty Finafrock, Vice Chair Bob Schlein, Directors Cordelia Jeffery, Christine Clark, Peggy Skirko are complemented by the information kiosks committee Boy Scout members, Seth Nelson and Jared Attridge.
The Deer Park In Progress community resource committee, led by Peggy Skirko, has been distributing two information brochures. The brochures were created by the Horizons Deer Park Community Project resource committee, and funded with a donation from Rotary.
Cordelia Jeffrey presented a proposal to conduct the Pacific Northwest Futures Game project, a seminar to learn future planning skills. The futures game seminar materials are loaned by the Horizons Project.
Eagle Scout Seth Nelson with Jared Attridge gave an update about the pilot project kiosk, with roof construction, log sealant, map production and protective coverings tentatively completed by the 4th of July.
Christine Clark, director of partnerships, thanked the City of Deer Park, local community organizations, businesses and volunteers for their participation, contributions and advice and requested that the City suggest a needed project to the new non-profit group.
Mayor Whisman requested recruitment help for applicants to the Arts Commission. Provision of the Futures Game seminar for the community was requested by economic development community partners.
A startup grant was recently received by Deer Park In Progress from North West Area Foundation which was created by the Great Northern Railroad to reduce poverty in communities less than 5000 population in eight states. Since October 2008, community volunteers planned ways to reduce poverty with a strategic plan, meeting the requirements of the grantor by hosting community meetings, seminars, and surveys of Deer Park residents. Completing the planning process will obtain the complete grant, bringing $10,000 into Deer Park's community for ways to reduce poverty.
Ideas to reduce poverty in Deer Park may be sent to
Deer Park In Progress, P. O. Box 1045, Deer Park WA 99006=============

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ripples and Waves Community Mapping Event Progress

For the Community Mapping , Ripples and Waves, July 27 event, Deer Park In Progress placed an ad in the weekly Tribune for July 21 edition and sent a press release to the monthly Gazette which is projected to be distributed before July 24.
Posters are being distributed to Deer Park businesses.
Invitations created with volunteer labor and materials are being mailed, hand delivered, telephoned and emailed to Deer Park Area residents, Horizons Deer Park participants, organizations, businesses,especially those who have contributed labor, materials, and expertise to the WSU Extension Horizons Deer Park Community Project which is now the nonprofit corporation: Deer Park In Progress.
We are hoping for a good turn out from those in the community interested in reducing poverty in Deer Park. Anyone who has participated in the past Horizons or those who are interested in getting involved and have some input to give at this event are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Deer Park Information Kiosk

The Deer Park Horizons Kiosk Committee is almost finished with the Kiosk in front of City Hall.
It shouldn't be to much longer and community information that will help new comers and old timers both will be posted to the Kiosk.
A lot of time and effort has gone into creating and building the Kiosk. We will be thanking all the partners and contributors and giving more updates on the Kiosk project later on the blog.