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Welcome To The City Of Deer Park!
Deer Park City Hall

Map of Deer Park

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

WINTERFEST 2011.. Free Books For Children

Winterfest Schedule sponsored by the Deer Park Kiwanis Club is the FIRST community event to be posted to the recently completed Deer Park Community Kiosk. The schedule of events for January 21 and 22, 2011 can be viewed by the community at the Kiosk in front of Deer Park City Hall.
There will be Free Books for Children at the Community Arts Center during Winterfest.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Local Newspaper Article - Futures Game

Approximately 20 people attended The Futures Game Pacific Northwest. There were three teams. The games end point, year 2030, revealed the decisions each team made. Some team members said that there were unexpected outcomes but overall the game definitely helped them to consider future decision styles. The High School Senior and Key Club attendee said he was really excited about bringing this game to the other students at the Deer Park High School. Others said they had fun and a good time!
Read the Article in the Dec 2010 issue or for a copy of the article contact the
Deer Park Gazette 509 276-7737.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Deer Park Community Forms Committee

Deer Park in Progress is happy to announce that the Deer Park Community has come together to officially form the Deer Park in Progress (DPiP) Community Garden Committee. The newly formed committee will be making all the decisions regarding the garden. Keep checking the blog to see updated information about the Deer Park in Progress (DPiP) Community Garden, a FIRST for The Deer Park area.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Rural Community Leaders and Assistance Providers, People who are interested in their community.


Imagine being able to decide today what 2030 will look like! Well, in fact you can. Each and every policy decision and choice you make, each day and/or at each board or Town Council meeting, shapes or at least influences the future.
Imagine being able to join other rural community leaders in addressing some of the most pressing community and economic development issues facing most rural communities across Washington State! Well, you can.

The “FUTURES GAME Pacific Northwest " was designed and developed to allow local leaders to tackle these challenges in a fun and engaging manner. The game takes a multi-faceted and integrated view of the future, allowing players to explore a range of plausible regional outcomes and assess their implications and consequences. This Futures Simulation approach adds extra depth and strength to local and regional planning efforts and helps hone leadership and decision making skills. Developed cooperatively by the Northwest Area Foundation, the University of Idaho Extension, and Innovative Leadership Australia, the FUTURES GAME is played in small teams, in which all participants jointly make a series of critical decisions that are likely to shape the future of their region (or town) over a 20-year period (out to 2030).
The Washington State University Extension Horizons project, in partnership with Deer Park In Progress
will present the
“Futures Game Pacific Northwest " Simulation.
Tuesday, Oct 26th, at City Hall-Court Room, 7:000 PM.
RSVP: 1-866-898-2768

Dusty Finafrock, Chairwoman
Deer Park In Progress Nonprofit Organization
PO Box 1045
Deer Park, WA 99006

Monday, August 2, 2010

Fresh Food Initiative

Fresh Food Funding Initiatives to battle poor nutrition across our nation will soon come to Washington State with your help. According to a nationwide Food Atlas (www.ers.usda.gov/FoodAtlas), obesity in Spokane County occurs in 27 of 100 residents.
A recent webinar on Fresh Food Initiatives was hosted by Natalie Tauzin of the Spokane Regional Health District.
Initiatives to provide investment projects for more fresh food in communities have been funded by private investors, supermarkets, community agencies and government agencies wanting to see the best bang for the buck for healthy communities with more fresh food. "Food Deserts" of the USA are shrinking with projects such as the New Day Pennsylvania, re-growing grocery stores in devastated New Orleans, Greengrow urban farms, Farmers' Markets and Green Cart street vendors to bring fresh food to communities, increasing neighborhood good health, jobs, and economic investment.
Interested grocery retailers want to improve fresh food access with an stable financial base, increased business security, and an incremental decrease in financing assistance.
Working with The Reinvestment Fund (TRF) [ http://www.trfund.com/ ], which applies capital investment funding for maximum social and economic benefit,, The Food Trust [ http://www.thefoodtrust.org/ ] partnered to develop community food financing initiatives with government and community organizations.
National organizations such as CDFI, NAACP, Am Assn Public Health, Am Heart Association, WIC, Local Initiative Support Corp agree that improved community health results in increased income and increased economic stimulus.
Current national policy will improve fresh food financing INVESTMENT for under-served communities using private and government funding. The U.S. House of Representatives have approved 2011 budget funding for United States Department of Agriculture, United States Health & Human Services, and the U.S Treasury to provide grants, loans, and technical assistance for more states and their communities to begin their own Fresh Food Initiatives. The Federal budget's Fresh Food Initiatives require Senate approval in August.. The proposed funding would include new supermarkets in needy communities, job training, new equipment, public food markets, etc. by grants and loans.
More information is available at: http://www.policylink.org/
In Spokane County, a Food Access Coalition has been started. Second Harvest, the regional food bank, will have more information soon: http://www.2harvest.org/

When will Washington State provide a Fresh Food Initiative Investment Fund? When will residents, merchants, and organizations of Deer Park benefit from the Fresh Food Initiative?

What can Deer Park In Progress do now? A community garden may be one of the ways to produce fresh food for the area of Deer Park!

Starting a "Community Garden -Spring 2011"
meeting will be posted to the blog.

References: Fresh Food Funding Intiatives: http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2010pres/02/20100219a.html
National Fresh Food Financing Initiative (12-01-2009)http://www.thefoodtrust.org/catalog/resource.detail.php?product_id=168
Publication: Giang, T., A. Karpyn, H. B. Laurison, A. Hillier, and R. D. Perry. (2008). Closing the Grocery Gap in Underserved Communities: The Creation of the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative. Journal of Public Health Management Practice, 14(3): 272–279.

Report by Christine Clark, Director of Partnerships Deer Park In Progress
(A WSU Extension Horizons Organization to Reduce Poverty)
P O Box 1045
Deer Park WA 99006

Friday, July 30, 2010

Community Impact Mapping

Approximately 25 people attended the Ripples and Waves Community Impact Mapping meeting. They learned of how the ripple effects of Horizons has helped to create the new Deer Park In Progress Nonprofit. Information was provided on an upcoming Community Garden meeting and Futures Game event to take place this fall.
The attendees gave their input of the ripple effect of the Horizons Program on the Deer Park community and validated the engagement of the community for the two visible projects of the Horizons Program; The Kiosk and Resource Information Brochures.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kiosk In Progress

Pilot Kiosk Facilitator, Eagle Scout Seth Nelson . The nice green roof is added to the Kiosk as progress continues.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Local News Paper Article

The Deer Park Gazette publishes an article about our Deer Park In Progress(DPiP) Nonprofit Organization. It tells how we introduced our board of Directors to the Deer Park City Council at their monthly meeting, thus informing them of how we evolved from WSU Horizons 3
program into our own Nonprofit. How we are being funded through a grant for start up and it tells what we have been doing and will be doing in the future.

For a copy of the complete article contact the
Deer Park Gazette 276-7737.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Presentation to Deer Park City Council

Deer Park In Progress Nonprofit recently founded by the Washington State Extension Horizons III Deer Park Community Project, introduced it's board of directors at the City of Deer Park City Council meeting Wednesday May 19. Chairwoman Dusty Finafrock, Vice Chair Bob Schlein, Directors Cordelia Jeffery, Christine Clark, Peggy Skirko are complemented by the information kiosks committee Boy Scout members, Seth Nelson and Jared Attridge.
The Deer Park In Progress community resource committee, led by Peggy Skirko, has been distributing two information brochures. The brochures were created by the Horizons Deer Park Community Project resource committee, and funded with a donation from Rotary.
Cordelia Jeffrey presented a proposal to conduct the Pacific Northwest Futures Game project, a seminar to learn future planning skills. The futures game seminar materials are loaned by the Horizons Project.
Eagle Scout Seth Nelson with Jared Attridge gave an update about the pilot project kiosk, with roof construction, log sealant, map production and protective coverings tentatively completed by the 4th of July.
Christine Clark, director of partnerships, thanked the City of Deer Park, local community organizations, businesses and volunteers for their participation, contributions and advice and requested that the City suggest a needed project to the new non-profit group.
Mayor Whisman requested recruitment help for applicants to the Arts Commission. Provision of the Futures Game seminar for the community was requested by economic development community partners.
A startup grant was recently received by Deer Park In Progress from North West Area Foundation which was created by the Great Northern Railroad to reduce poverty in communities less than 5000 population in eight states. Since October 2008, community volunteers planned ways to reduce poverty with a strategic plan, meeting the requirements of the grantor by hosting community meetings, seminars, and surveys of Deer Park residents. Completing the planning process will obtain the complete grant, bringing $10,000 into Deer Park's community for ways to reduce poverty.
Ideas to reduce poverty in Deer Park may be sent to
Deer Park In Progress, P. O. Box 1045, Deer Park WA 99006=============

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ripples and Waves Community Mapping Event Progress

For the Community Mapping , Ripples and Waves, July 27 event, Deer Park In Progress placed an ad in the weekly Tribune for July 21 edition and sent a press release to the monthly Gazette which is projected to be distributed before July 24.
Posters are being distributed to Deer Park businesses.
Invitations created with volunteer labor and materials are being mailed, hand delivered, telephoned and emailed to Deer Park Area residents, Horizons Deer Park participants, organizations, businesses,especially those who have contributed labor, materials, and expertise to the WSU Extension Horizons Deer Park Community Project which is now the nonprofit corporation: Deer Park In Progress.
We are hoping for a good turn out from those in the community interested in reducing poverty in Deer Park. Anyone who has participated in the past Horizons or those who are interested in getting involved and have some input to give at this event are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Deer Park Information Kiosk

The Deer Park Horizons Kiosk Committee is almost finished with the Kiosk in front of City Hall.
It shouldn't be to much longer and community information that will help new comers and old timers both will be posted to the Kiosk.
A lot of time and effort has gone into creating and building the Kiosk. We will be thanking all the partners and contributors and giving more updates on the Kiosk project later on the blog.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Caring for Children with Challenging Behaviors

Caring for Children with Challenging Behaviors
May 1,
Saturday 9:30 AM TO 1 PM
Riverside Community Center
35007 North Newport Highway

Featuring: GINNY CRONIN, Behavior Management Therapist

Cost: $15 per participant includes lunch (EWAEYC members $10)
STARS credit available to Early Learning Educators: 3 hours STIPENDS Available FOR PARENT SCHOLARSHIPS AND PARENT CHILD CARE REGISTRATION AND STIPEND APPLICATIONS BEFORE APRIL 27 2010 :Registration: 276-59741-866-898-2768
Co-Sponsors: Eastern Washington Association for Education of Young Children

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Board of Directors Meeting

Deer Park In Progress will have monthly board meetings @ 5:30pm on the 2nd Monday.


Approximately 400 people participated in the H1, H2, H3, Horizons Communities @ Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake, March 19-20 for the Rural reflections Summit:
"Building a stronger Washington".
A detailed agenda with several workshops were offered and a focus on networking.
We put a board with the successes and projects of the Deer Park Horizons 3 , which included information of the Kiosk and Community Service Resource Guide on display, Deer Park In Progress Cards and complimentary chocolate candy . Our board was displayed on a table with the other communities boards.
The training and networking was enjoyed by the Deer Park Horizons 3 group, now with the new name of "Deer Park in Progress" evolving from the Deer Park Horizons 3, 18 month program.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Deer Park in Progress (DPiP) Board of Directors Business Meeting

Jan 10, 2010 5:30pm,
Deer Park Library

Regional Tourism Workshop

Register Now!
We Want You There!
Regional Tourism Workshop at the Chewelah Civic Center
Friday, March 5th from 9-4:30

This is a free event that will be fast-paced, educational and entertaining.

The keynote speaker will be Judy Walden, “Current Trends on Tour‘isms’ Agri-tourism, Civic Tourism, Culinary Tourism, Voluntourism and More.” She specializes in rural tourism development and works for the Walden Mills Group in Denver,CO.

Please RSVP to Krisan LeHew at (509) 690-8400 or Krisan@wsu.edu

Grantwriting and Fundraising Workshop:

Friday, April 2
8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration
8:30 am - Learning Starts!
4:30 pm - Finding Money Begins!
Lunch will be provided
$5 donation will be appreciated
Chewelah Peak Learning Center
3215 Flowery Trail
Chewelah, WA
You must register with
Krisan LeHew at (509) 690-8400
or krisan@wsu.edu by March 26.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Information Kiosk Committee Meeting

Thursday, February 18, 3:30 pm
Deer Park Senior Center

Agenda :
Pilot Project Manager: Seth Nelson: project update
Kiosk Construction completion
Information partnerships coordination
Planning Kiosk #2 Rosauer's Parking Lot
Planning Kiosk #3 South Main Street

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kiosk Committee Meeting Thursday 3:30pm Senior Center‏

The Information Kiosk Committee of the Horizons III Deer Park project
meets this Thursday at 3:30 pm February 4th, at the Deer Park Senior Center.

Draft agenda:

Pilot Project Information Kiosk update: Seth Nelson, Eagle Scout Candidate, BSA Troop 28

Coordination with Community Information Committee re map, and information sources: .....

Coordination with Key Club Information maintenance volunteers: .......

Partner and individual volunteer recognition: letters, certificates, advertising: Chris Clark

Service Hours: Chris Clark

Action plan update: committee

Wanted: email photos of kiosk construction to post on Horizons Deer Park blog:


Christine E. Clark
2002 W. Hamilton Rd
Deer Park WA 99006


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Festival:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Community & Family events sponsored by Deer Park Kiwanis Club.
Centered at the Deer Park Community Arts Center, E 315 Crawford Street.


Clayton Grange Breakfast at Deer Park Eagles – 7 am to noon.
Art Show and Sale at City Hall Council Room – 8:30 am to 6 pm
WinterFest Chess Tournament at Arcadia Elementary School – 10 am begins
Snowshoe Softball at Perrins Field – 9 am beginning
Craft and Vendor Fair, Bake Sale, Snacks at Arts Center – 9 am to 7 pm
Book Sale at Deer Park Library Meeting Room, S 208 Forest – 9 am to 4 pm
5k Frostbite Footrace on city streets – 10 am

OPENING CEREMONY for 2010 WinterFest – 10 am

Music to follow, throughout the day.
Children’s Activities at Zion Lutheran Church - 10 am to 2 pm
25th Annual Snow Treasure Hunt (metal detectors) at Perrins Field – 11 am
Chili Cook-off at Yokes Fresh Market – 11 am tasting and judging.
Bubbillusionist entertainment
by Jarom Watts at Arts Center –12:30 pm to 1 pm
Cross Country Ski Ribbon Run at Missile Site Trails – noon
Outhouse Races at Perrins Field – noon
Broomball games at Park Plaza Mall – 1 pm
Elvis Tribute and Oldies performed by Ben ‘Preslee’ Klein and the Rockabilly's – 4 pm to 7 pm.
Bonfire of old Christmas Trees – 7 pm
Fireworks by Rocketman Pyros – 7:30 pm.
Clean Up of Community Arts Center by Kiwanis and WinterFest Volunteers – 8 pm

All are invited to join in the festivities and have a wonderful, fun-filled, community winter gathering.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Please save the date March 19-20:

Rural Reflections Summit: Building a Stronger Washington. This is our Statewide gathering for H1, H2 and H3 communities.

Please call me with any questions

Krisan LeHew
Horizon's Community Coach
Community Leadership to Reduce Poverty
Washington State University Extension
P.O. Box 401
Chewelah, WA 99109
(509)935-0578 (fax)

Deer Park Horizons III Information Kiosks Committee

Thursday January 7 at 3:30 p.m.
Deer Park Senior Center

Draft Agenda:

Announcements: Krisan LeHew: WSU Horizons grant application and funding
Cordelia Jeffrey: Board of Directors January 14 meeting information

Seth Nelson: Pilot Project Information Kiosk update, review of plan, and BSA Troop 28 construction plan;

Deanna Henry: Donation of construction materials by Haskins Steel;

Dusty Finafrock: Coordination of donation of construction equipment, labor and expertise by Finafrock Excavation, Inc.;

Bob Schlein: Recruitment of advertising sponsors; planning for future information kiosks;

Peggy Skirko: Community Resource Information Committee update,

Chris Clark: Service Hours report/ Market value of volunteer hours & contributed materials;

Drafts of partnerships letters with Eagle Scout Seth Nelson, Pilot Project Information Kiosk Manager,
BSA Troop 28, City of Deer Park, Deer Park Development Association, Washington Trust Bank, Evergreen Truss,
Bear Country Carving, Custom Log Furniture, Floyd's Welding, Key Club of Deer Park High School, ....

Acknowledgement of individual volunteers, dedication ceremony, publicity planning.

Horizons III Deer Park project report revision

Please provide additions and revisions about the pilot project agenda to Seth Nelson: 276-4842 / seth7nelson@gmail.com