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Monday, September 7, 2009

NEW HORIZON’S OPEN YOUTH Report and Newsletter

A club for the youth of Deer Park, sponsored by Deer Park 4-H and Deer Park Horizons.
The name has changed from Youth Livestock Club.

Following is a report of the meeting held September 2nd.

We discussed the Petting Zoo event. It will be postponed until a location, permit and pets are organized. Katy & Kim will contact city hall for the permits needed. They are also talking to the owners of Deer Park Inland Feed/Cenex to see if they are interested in providing a location for the fund raising event. New Horizons Club will offer the event as a way to bring in new customers.
Notes from our first Aug 19th meeting: The first event for the youth club is a petting zoo. Deer Park will not allow livestock. We are attempting to get a permit to hold the event at Mix Park; The petting zoo charge is $1. Rides $2 and Pictures with the animals $2. Pictures can be taken with a digital camera and downloaded the pic on a CD. Times will be 10 – 2 and feature Kati’s horse, pony, paint, poultry, cows, rabbits, miniature horse of Shakara if possible and Spokanimal or Scraps pets.
We will publicize the event through the local papers, Town & Country Gazette, Deer Park Tribune, Spokesman & KHQ 6 Community TV Board; Radio spots.


Gary lead the discussion on the ways we can build the Open Horizons Youth Club for the kids of Deer Park who are at risk from age 6th grade to 12th grades using the livestock and pets as a tool to teach, offer comfort.
We determined that we want to help kids at risk.
As we spoke, a lady sitting in a neighboring booth wished she had a place to go when her 16th year old needed counseling a few years ago. She had no help with the problems in her family. Janie took her name & contact info and will get her to become involved in some way.

Notes: a youth ranch at Medical Lake offers a place for those kids to keep their animals. The owner is an Ag teacher at Reardon school. Reardon has a great FFA program for their kids.

Deer Park kids are going to Spokane for drugs and support systems,
food, etc. Kids are also sleeping in the Chewelah Hospital halls because they have no place to go.
ALARMINGLY, Deer Park has approximately 61 homeless children .

How do we find them and gain trust, find ways to give them opportunities for the future to be productive adults and get trade/education skills?
Other contacts to help form the structure and resources are
Cross Walk in Spokane
Counselors at Churches in Spokane
Counselors in Spokane Mega Churches – New Life
Some of our group will contact Deer Park school board when we have a complete picture of the program in place for their support.
The kids we are trying to help may not want livestock, but may be in-tuned to K-9 Training, Companion Animals, Robotics or other interests.
We may begin by attracting the kids with New Horizon’s Open Youth Club "Overnight Packs": Toothpaste, Clean T-Shirt, clean wash-rag, towel, comb, items kids need for personal hygiene, etc. when traveling.
We may be trying to attract kids that are At Risk At Home, abusive parents, boyfriend, bully kids; or kids who just need to belong somewhere. A Safe Haven!
Now is the time to tap into Grants that will be available in the Spring & Summer of 2010. The funding sources will be stronger and more defined by that time for our uses.
We will need to be better trained in Grant Writing, writing RFP (Response For Proposal)
4-H Offers insurance that pays the huge deductibles if someone is hurt coming home or attending a meeting.
4-H offers many opportunities such as “Know Your Government” – KYG!
WHAT KIND OF CLUB DO WE WANT: Deer Park has 2 different K-9 Clubs. One is strict, very formal and the other helps all kinds of kids train their dogs – Sue and Marie are the leaders.
4-H Events: No expense for Dog Show competition, usually $1.
We may be interested in fund raising; offering opportunity for kids, stability and a safe haven.
BASIC 4-H follows Federal Regulations; The bi-laws are formed that follow the basic laws and then form their own agenda. Since our club has 2 ties to WSU (4-H & Horizons), we have a wealth of resources at our finger tips to make this club a huge success. We should utilize the WSU resources as much as possible.
4-H Goals is about people – the kids and the volunteers. 4-H Has levels:
Belonging is a Human Need, even gangs thrive by fulfilling that need.
Community Service


What is the purpose of the Deer Park, New Horizon's "OPEN YOUTH" Club Target Children in Need
and offer a service.

Are we going to offer a place?
What is the principle: reach out to kids at risk, those not going to school, offer crisis centers, youth networks. Do we want to offer parenting classes, vocational counseling, drop off center like Vanessa Behan?
Formulate Draft Ideas:
Write a Mission Statement:
What 3 Things Do You want to do?
What do you stand for?
The progression of any community development begins now and what will it be in 6 months, 3, 5, 10 years from now.
Volunteers: Need to be fingerprinted, background checked if working with the kids. If someone gives a workshop and is not left alone with a kid, it is ok. Watch for preditors.
Form a 501C 3. Get a Probono Attorney.
Get support of the schools, churches to provide counseling, City Council, Chamber of Commerce and other organizations who may lend a hand on the project utilizing their expertise in certain areas.

As always, this blogsite welcomes your comments and questions.

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