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Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Grant Boot Camp Ritzville

Horizons Teams:

It is important that each community recruit a TEAM of 3-4 people to attend together and share this experience. History shows that it’s hard to process all this information and then share it in your community. So try your very best and work with your coach and Leadership Team to identify and recruit a solid team. And, you MUST stay the entire time.

Horizons Projects:

Each ‘team’ will be allowed to submit 1 project idea for the entire group’s consideration. Working groups will be formed to write a grant proposal of the selected project ideas. Your submission should be typed and copied (50 copies please) on one sided paper and it should include a summary description of the project need and idea, your potential partners, the approximate cost and any possible funding sources.

This event is an intensive grant proposal training focusing on public and foundation funders. Teams of 3 are invited from all Inland Northwest Horizons communities. Participants are expected to stay the entire weekend.

Friday, December 4th through Sunday, December 6th

Ritzville, WA
Lodging: Best Western Inn
Training Site:

Pre-Registration is due by Friday, November 28th
(please coordinate with your Horizons coach, Deer Park, Krisan Lehew)

Proposed Learning Objectives:
Understand how to complete a Community Development Block Grant proposal
Define grants and types of grants
Identify potential resources for grant funding
Identify the major components of a grant proposal and the content of each
Critically evaluate a proposal against the stated criteria of the funder
Write a grant proposal that is compatible with the goals of the funding source

For the agenda contact the
Horizons coach.

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